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Yellow Pages

Yellow pages, the thick directories of telephone listings and display advertisements, represent the fifth most popular advertising. All advertising in the online Yellow Pages is divided into local and global advertising. For example, woman shoes manufacturer could use global yellow pages with editorial content aimed especially at women to reach that audience exclusively.

The purpose of yellow pages is providing quick, reliable access to anyone requiring local or global business information, be it for a specific product or service. The grand idea of yellow pages is to turn seekers into buyers, connecting people to their sources for goods and services.

An ability to reproduce beautiful color photographs on yellow pages enhance a product's appearance and guaranties more customers. As a result, yellow pages are an effective way to find and/or sell products.

Yellow pages has an important effect on a country's economy, society, culture, and political system. Most economists believe that yellow pages has a positive impact on the economy because it stimulates demand for products and services, strengthening the economy by promoting the sale of goods and services. By stimulating the development of new products yellow pages increase competition. Usually increased competition leads to lower prices. Therefore purchasing capacity increases. Yellow pages help sell a new product quickly.

Yellow pages act as a powerful business tool for advertisers by fostering recognition, usage and ultimately, business growth. Yellow pages offers a whole host of ways for advertisers to find their buyers.

Only those providers of yellow pages who fully understand their business can create the best yellow pages and provide their users with the most complete and most accurate search results. To organize and maintain the best yellow pages provider should fully realize the needs and expectations of the users, buyer and seller behavior.

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